INFO@ALSEGAEY.COM | Alsegaey Farm - Meet Assas - Samannoud - Algharbia City

It is with absolute pride and great pleasure, that I offer you a glimpse of the history and upcoming potential of Alsegaey Agricultural Group. Everything that has been achieved, throughout the years since our early inception as a family business in 1940, was created with passion, integrity, sheer dedication and commitment to quality. We start a new era of business, based on our reputable and established heritage as a new starting point. We are elevating to higher levels of potential, promise and empowerment.
Dr. Sherif Alsegaey

About Us

A Heritage to be proud of, that began 1940 as a closely –knit family business along different generations holding on their family farm values, vision and mission, providing a unique amalgamation of unique premium quality agricultural products and services.

Alsegaey Agricultural Group gained years of practical experience and accumulated knowledge in farming and farm management ,covering most aspects of farming and adopting the highest standards in agricultural practices.

We are one of the unique leading farms in the Nile Delta Region located in Algharbia city,

Cultivating premium grade bananas, mangos, dates, vegetables and a variety of field crops with a unique product identity on modern scientific agricultural practices to provide our local market requirements and needs.

In 2009, we were keen to extend our agricultural activities in Wadi AlNatroun by cultivating premium grade of table and oil olives.

We took our first initiative towards the world of agricultural industrialization in 2020 by establishing our pickled olives and olive oil factory in our farm located in Algharbia, seeking to meet our customers’ needs and expectations.

Through our long journey, we were keen on and capable of providing all our respectable farmers with a wide range of premium customized agricultural services, integrated realistic solutions and technical advice , aiming to be their primary choice of professional reference in the agri-business.

years of experience
Why us ?

Alsegaey Agricultural Group stands out as a reliable choice due to its deeply-rooted heritage and hands-on experience in the field of agriculture.

Our faith

Our farm is more than land and crops it is our heritage, culture and future.

Our vision

Paving the way for a greener tomorrow.

Our mission

We are keen to continually provide the Egyptian market with a wide range of premium quality agricultural products to satisfy and fulfill all our customers’ needs and expectations with love and care. Also, we are keen to provide all our respectable customers with a wide range of premium personalized agricultural services and technical advice aiming to be their primary choice of professional reference in the agri-business relying on a solid expert working team of professionals. We are striving hard to adopt all modern scientific agricultural standards in farming and farm management relying on our valuable solid teamwork.

Our Core Values

Through our long journey of uniqueness and trustworthy positioning in the agricultural field we have been firmly adhering to our core Values.

  • - Social responsibility towards people and community.

  • - Commitment to the highest environment, health and safety standards.

  • - Dedication to superior and premium grade quality products and services.

  • - Commitment to continuous improvement, professionalism and sustainability.

  • - Dedicated policies towards all our team that represents our significant source of value and key of Success based on respect, trust, equality, empathy, empowerment, encouragement and support.

  • - Dedicated policies towards our esteemed customers based on enhancing customer satisfaction and Building strong customers relationship, customer centricity, integrity, respect and innovation.


Our Distinctive Clients




Years of Experience


Projects Completed

Agricultural Consultancy

We are keen to provide a wide range of premium...

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The Olive Store

In 2020, we took an initiative towards the world of...

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The Young Farmer...

Our vision is to Raise a new generation prideful to...

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Corporate Social Responsibility

We are keen to strengthen and enhance our community role,...

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Fresh Market

We are keen to deliver with passion a wide range...

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Knowledge Hub

We are keen to provide a unique educational vocational training...

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08 Jun
The Role of Precision Agriculture in Enhancing Crop Productivity"

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08 Jun
The Growing Importance of Sustainable Livestock Farming"

The Growing Importance of Sustainable Livestock Farming"Sustainable livestock farming is...

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18 Nov
Harnessing Technology for Smart Farming: The Future of Agriculture"

Harnessing Technology for Smart Farming: The Future of Agriculture"Technology is...

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18 Nov
"The Rise of Vertical Farming: Cultivating a Sustainable Future"

"The Rise of Vertical Farming: Cultivating a Sustainable Future"Vertical farming...

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18 Nov
"The Role of Regenerative Agriculture in Building Resilient Food Systems"

"The Role of Regenerative Agriculture in Building Resilient Food Systems"Regenerative...

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07 Nov
Agriculture Matters To The Future Of WorldAgriculture Matters To The Future Of World

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available,...

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